Windows – How to reset Services.msc console


After updating to Internet Explorer 9 on a Server 2008 R2 SP1 box, I noticed that my services.msc console looked a little off. If you check out the screenshot (, you'll notice a huge gap at the top of the window before the list of services starts.

Is there any way to reset this window's display? Functionally, everything seems to work OK, but I'm a little leery of this, because I'm not sure what other issues may be present on the system now.

I confirmed that IE9 was in fact the issue, because the issue goes away if I uninstall the update.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Update: This is the closest I've gotten to finding anything similar to my case:
Unfortunately, they just say it's due to an "improper" install of IE9 and don't go into any detail. Basically, I'm still at a loss.

Best Answer

I found an old Windows XP website that tells you how to fix this. I had the same issue. You have to run "regsvr32.exe jscript.dll" as administrator to correct this.