Windows – How to Route Traffic in Case PPTP Remote Client is on Same Subnet as Server


I've a PPTP server setup on my local home network (, pfSense). Now sometimes when I'm away and want to connect remotely my client (Windows 7) is also on the same network because e.g. the hotel has set it up the same way. Thus the connection works, but I can't reach any PC on my home network because everything is routed directly to the client local router which is in the same subnet.

Is there a way to work around this by messing with a configuration or adapting Windows routing table, i.e. without modifying either network?

Best Answer

I'm afraid not. If you were able to route somewhere else traffic directed to (what appears to be) your local subnet, you wouldn't be able to reach your gateway which is sitting exactly in that subnet, so routing would just cease to work.

Your only option here is to change the subnet you're using on your home network to something a little more unusual, hoping you'll never find a network which uses the same one.

Luckily, network administrators really don't have a lot of imagination when it comes to defining subnets: there are some of them which are by far the most common ones and is a prime example of that (alongside with 192.168.1., 192.168.42. and various subnettings of 10.), but you can safely bet will not be used on 99% of the networks you encounter (unless someone else reads this answer, of course). For some reasons, also 172.16-based subnets seem to be quite unpopular.