Windows – How to run Bugzilla on Windows with Strawberry Perl


I've been at it for 3 days now, and run into, usually, a problem with the "Binary image v18.86 being greater than 2.7".

I've tried different Bugzilla's: 3.0.8, 3.2.4, 3.4rc1.

Next I'll be trying different Perl's, (using portable right now),

I don't want to go to an older version of MySQL (5.1.36-community), so next I'll try PostgreSQL 8.4.

I'll update as I go. I wanted to ask here, since these are some common platforms, and perhaps someone has it working.

P.S.: Windows XP, Abyss Web Server X1 (though I can't even run perl yet)

UPDATE: A chronicle of my (so far) fruitless journey.

Best Answer

not quite a direct answer to your question, but have you considered running debian or ubuntu or some other linux distro inside Virtual Box on your XP machine?

software like bugzilla and perl and mysql and postgresql will always run better on their "native" unix-like type environment than on windows.