Windows – How to send Windows Performance counters to Logstash + Kibana


I would like to setup monitoring for system resources on my Windows servers. I've noticed a common configuration in Linux is to use collectd daemon to get system metrics information. From collectd data can read by logstash and ultimately put into Elastic Search to be viewed with Kibana.

This is nice and works well in the Linux world. However I'm stuck with Windows server and I need some advice to the best tools to achieve a similar workflow. As a side node I'm already using Nxlog to send IIS logs to logstash.

Best Answer

The 'Tools that works with Graphite' page list several. I have tried the PowerShell script 'Graphite PowerShell Functions' and it works well.

edit I mis-read your question, you were talking only about Logstash and Kibana but not about Graphite. I don't use Logstash+Kibana for system metrics, but I use Statsd+Graphite. So not sure if my answer is valid to you but if you use the Graphite Logstash input you could use these tools.