Windows – How to upgrade Bugzilla on Windows


I installed Bugzilla with the handy Windows Installer (
I'm trying to upgrade to 3.6.3 following these instructions.
I've downloaded the tarball and get to step but my webserver starts throwing 500 errors when I try to access the site. The apache error.log says:
The system cannot find the file specified. : couldn't spawn child process: C:/Program Files/Bugzilla/bugzilla/index.cgi

Is there something missing in those upgrade instructions?

Best Answer

To manually upgrade, the #! line in all .cgi files needs to be updated to point to the perl path.

eg. #!"C:/Program Files/Bugzilla/perl/perl/bin/perl.exe" -wT

The SetPaths.cmd script in will do this for you automatically when run from the Bugzilla installation directory.