Windows – HP iLO Wildcard SSL using MS Certificate Services


At the request of higher-up, I need to deploy a SSL Certificate(s) signed by our Active Directory CA to over 100 lights-out interfaces. Given all these devices have been given a hostname a Wildcard certificate seems to be the way to go.

I've not been able to find any useful instructions on how to do this – Googling just gets me 100s of results for various SSL Resellers.

Does anyone have any experience with MS Cert Services & Wilcard SSL Certificates that they can point me in the right direction with?


Best Answer

It's possible to use the iLO scripting interfaces to get the certificate request and import the reply. That would be using CPQLOCFG or HPONCFG for the iLO I/O.

If you're a programming sort, there's a perl version of cpqlocfg that could be used to fetch the request, programmatically submit it to the Microsoft CA, fetch the reply, and update iLO.