Windows – HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error response


I'm debugging an issue and running out of ideas. I have a server with SharePoint code hosted at port 8080 and a WCF REST service at port 8801.

From another machine on the domain, I can connect to the SharePoint page. The retrieved page issues a AJAX request to the REST service. This request fails in Fiddler with a 502 error:

`[Fiddler] The socket connection to <FQDN> failed. <br />ErrorCode: 10060. <br />
 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
 after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host 
 has failed to respond`

I verified that the port is open in the firewall and there's an application listening on that port. If I try to telnet to the machine, the connection succeeds for port 8080, but fails for port 8801 with the message:
Connecting To <FQDN>...Could not open connection to the
host, on port 8801: Connect failed

The application listening is hosted in IIS 8 and the only binding is https. When I try the same failing URL from a browser on the VM itself, everything works fine. I got a WireShark trace, and see that the first TCP package is not acknowledged. It never even gets to the SSL handshake. The failing server is running a Chinese OS.

Any ideas on what might be wrong or how to troubleshoot are welcome.

Best Answer

Found the issue. Talked to a network guy who told me that there is a hardware firewall between the two networks involved that is blocking port 8801.

Even though the software firewall on the machine itself had that port open, the traffic never got there.

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