Windows – httpd server is not starting


I am implementing failover mechanism in JBoss from here

I added following line in httpd.conf file

LoadModule jk_module modules/

Now I am getting following error while starting Apache

D:\Installation\apache-2\bin>httpd -k start
httpd: Syntax error on line 495 of D:/Installation/apache-2/conf/httpd.conf: Can
not load D:/Installation/apache-2/modules/ into server: The specified
procedure could not be found.

I am sure that there is file in modules directory. What could be reason for this and how to resolve this problem?
I am using Wondows 7 OS.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

You're using Windows, but you're configuring Unix pathnames, and the wrong one at that.

Figure out where that .dll is placed on your system, and configure the path properly.

Also, all modules must be built for the specific apache version you are using.