Windows – Https on iis not working with domain name of ip address


Using Windows 2012 R2 Standard server with IIS. Windows firewall has preset rules World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In) and World Wide Web Services (HTTPS Traffic-In) enabled. The server has one web with the following bindings:

http – empty value / any domain – 80
http – – 80
https – – 443
https – empty value / any domain – 443

Urls tried from external machine: – works
http://my.ip.address – works – not working
https://my.ip.address – not working

Urls tried from local server – works
http://localhost – works
http://my.ip.address – works – not working
https://localhost – works
https://my.ip.address – not working

So http works for all addresses from all locations. Https works when run on local machine with address localhost but https does not work in any other way. What am I missing? Do I need to open other firewall rules/ports other than 443?

Best Answer

the usual firewall / NAT issue

Sorry everyone, I had only forwarded port 80 and not 443 in my router. Now everything is working.