Windows – icacls, Network Service, and setting ACLs on Windows Server 2008


Setting ACLs on Windows Server 2008 via the command line is giving me some problems. As per I've tried all sorts of variations:

C:\Windows\system32>icacls "D:\Websites\\Web\bin*" /grant 'NT A

C:\Windows\system32>icacls "D:\Websites\\Web\bin*" /grant "NETWORK SERVICE": (OI) (CI)M

And all variations in between. However, each try leads to i.e. "Invalid parameter "'NETWORK'"" depending on the variation above.

As per (see in comments), it appears that others have experienced the same issue where the same command works on Windows 7/Vista/etc., but not on Windows Server 2008.

What's the best way to apply permissions to Network Service account on a directory and/or files via the command line in Windows Server 2008? Especially as there's no way to do multiple file permissions at once via the GUI (see Windows Server 2008 – change security settings for multiple files at once).

Best Answer

This line worked for me:

icacls testdir /grant "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService":(OI)(M)


icacls testdir /grant "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService":(CI)(M)

Update: And this too:

icacls testdir /grant "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService":(OI)(CI)(M)