Windows – If the Remote Desktop Connection Broker server goes down, can users still access the two Terminal Servers


I would like to setup the Remote Desktop Connection Broker to allow better load balancing of the two terminal servers we have as well as allowing the user to re-establish to the correct server if they get disconnected.

My worry is, if I set this up and the server this service is running goes down, does the terminal server stop accepting connections or will they just lose the benefit of having RDCB turned on? I don't want to add another point of failure in this equation unless I have to.

Best Answer

How are you doing load balancing between the two? If you are using a simple round-robin DNS distribution then if the connection broker goes down (provided that it is only providing that single role), then the terminal servers should continue to operate. People will still be able to connect to the servers, and load will continue to be split between the servers.

The load between the servers can and will become somewhat unbalanced. But If you leave enough head-room on your servers, this probably won't be that big of an issue.

If a person loses their connection, gets disconnected, and attempts to reconnect, they may be connected to a different server. In that case, they would have two open sessions. They would possibly lose some data, particularly if they tried to work on a file that was already open in the other session.