Windows – IIS Basic Authentication only protects directories, not individual files


I really hope this isn't a duplicate, but I wasn't able to find anything like this on here.

My issue is: I have a subdirectory on a Windows (not sure if 2008 R2 or 2012) server with IIS 8.5 that I want to protect with basic authentication. I've talked to the server admin and he activated basic auth for me and added a Windows user for me. The protection works, but only for directories, not individual files.

This leads to bizarre situations like "" is only accessible with the correct user/password combination, but "" is open for all to visit, and I can't figure out why. The way I've implemented this in the web.config is this:

<location path="dir/subdir">  
            <allow users="authorizedUser"/>
            <deny users ="?" />    

Where the subdomain points to "dir/subdir", thus "" to reach the subdirectory.

I tried dir/subdir/ and dir/subdir/*, but both lead to errors. Either I'm using the wrong keywords, or Google doesn't know about my problem.

I'm not even sure if that's something I have to fix on my side (only access via FTP) or if it's some Windows setting that the admin has to change. Does anyone know what's happening here?

Edit: I got confused with my own subdirectories and forgot a level. Not sure if that's relevant, but I edited it anyway.

Best Answer

You should disable anonymous authentication for the directory if there is no need to have anonymous users. This will take care of the problem