Windows – IIS Sites often goes down and comes up after App Pool recycle


We are hosting about 40 sites in our environment and on a daily basis some sites are going down and after app pool recycle we are able to bring the sites up.

We are using .net 4.0 as framework and iis 7.5 as our settings.

The app pool recycle timings are set at 1740 mins.

So what kind of setting should i change to avoid the site's down times.

Let me know if you need any further details.


Best Answer

First, check the Event Viewer and see the cause of the Recycle.

Second, I recommend changing the Recycle time to a specific time each day - that will allow you to control when the application pool recycles. Maybe configure this to a "quite" time.

Lastly, check the "Advanced Settings" in your Application Pool, there is a setting for "Idle Time-out (minutes). By default it's set to 20, that means that if there are not requests to that application pool, it will stop, and upon first request - restart again. Change it to 0 to always keep it on.