Windows – install apache and IIS together on same computer


I already installed Wamp (Windows, Apache, MySql and PHP). But now, I want to learn other language, i.e C# and C++ (probably C++ first, but not sure which one I should go first..)

To use C# or C++, i want to install Visual Studio 2008 express edition and Microsoft Web Platform, that includes Visual Web Developer, SQL Server Express, Silverlight Tools, IIS and ASP.NET Extensions and more!

Can I install all together (apache, mysql, php) and microsoft products (Sqlserver, C++, C#, IIS, silverlight etc)

Best Answer

They will sit happily side by side - the only caveat is that you need to move at least one of them to a different port (for example, run IIS on port 80, and Apache on 88).

you haven't specified which version of Windows you'll be using, but to change the port for IIS you need to use "Internet Information Services" in control panel (under Administrative tools on Win XP, at least). Expand the tree And right click on Default Web Site, and select properties - the port is hidden in plain sight on the initial "Web Site" tab, and you should be able to pick a port number to suit.

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