Windows – Install Software with MSIEXEC with GPO Shutdown Script


I am trying to install software with GPO at comptuer shutdown.

My first question is it is possible to do it with Software Install in Win2003 Server?

Then I tried to put a batch script to shutdown script of computer from GPO. Script is like that:

if exist c:\mydlp-0.7.12.txt goto end
echo %date% %time% >> c:\mydlp-0.7.12.txt
msiexec /i \\\deploy\mydlp-endpoint-0.7.12.msi /qb /passive /forcerestart /l* C:\log.txt

It does not install it on shutdown, it starts to install however it does not complete installation. However, when I run batch script normally it runs and installs software successfully.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The specific problem you're having is that MSIEXEC, called in that manner, runs asynchronously. Run it with a start /wait msiexec ... command and you'll get what you're looking for.

Having said that, you're replicating a subset of functionality that's already built into the Group Policy client. You should research Software Installation policy to see what it can do for you. You can create a reasonably scalable, deterministic automated software installation environment without writing any scripts. It's not perfect but it does the job in a lot of cases. It'll also be much easier for The Next GuyTM to understand than a maze of batch scripts that you'll create this way.