Windows – install updates without shut down


Using Windows 2003

I'm connecting to a remote computer – I can restart it but I dont want to shut it down. (as i can't turn it back on)

There are pending windows updates.

enter image description here

What I want to do is install them then reboot the computer. Usually there is a little triangle icon in the tray (near the clock) that you can use to install the updates.

This isn't there and tickling windows update doesnt do anything either.

How can I force windows update to install what it wants to install?

Best Answer

Check to see if there are other users logged into the server (Task Manager>Users tab). If so, they may be seeing the Update icon in the system tray. You can log them off from there. Windows only shows the update status to one logged on user at a time. If not, try connecting to the remote console (Start>Run>"mstsc /admin" (or /console depending on the RDP version) and seeing if the update icon shows for you then. Also try running a "wuauclt /detectnow" from Run.