Windows – Install windows ssh server


I need some help here. I am kind of new to server side stuff.
I am trying to install SSH on my windows server (Windows Server 2016, 64-bit Operating System). This is the steps i tried:

1.copied this zip file ( from github "".

  1. Extracted this to files to C:\Program Files\Openssh-Win64

3.In Powershell i executed the following commands (in screenshot). I get the message "sshd and ssh-agent services successfully installed". enter image description here

  1. When i go to services (Control Pannel –> Administrative Tools –> Services), i dont find sshd service in there.
    enter image description here

Is there something i am missing, How do i start/stop sshd from services.


Best Answer

Is there something i am missing, How do i start/stop sshd from services.

Hi you are looking at the wrong place.. look for Openssh because what you have installed is openssh.

Look for openssh not under letter s referred by "sshd"

enter image description here

Service name and display name are two different things.

enter image description here

Alternatively, you can use PowerShell to start or stop service. Using below commands. (uses service name "sshd" as follows)

Start ssh service

 start-Service sshd

Stop ssh service

Stop-Service sshd

To view all services use following

