Windows – Is it possible to create an RDP session without connecting to the terminal server via an RDP client

rdpremote desktopwindowswindows-server-2003

To clarify, what I want is to create an RDP session on the server, without having to open up an RDP client and connect to port 3389 on the server and log in. I want to create this RDP session at boot and run a GUI app. (Sidenote: I have heard about srvany, which would work except that I need to control the GUI app via AutoIt scripts, and I don't think that would work.)

Is there any way to do what I'm looking for? I know that what I want is possible with Linux, because I can create any number of X11 sessions. Is there something like this for Windows?

This is on a terminal server, if that is relevant.

Best Answer

You could create a scheduled task on the server that would run "start /b /min mstsc myfile.rdp", where myfile.rdp is a pre-saved RDP file with stored username and password. Then have a login script for the login information in your script that launches your GUI then disconnects the RDP session (using tsdiscon).