Windows – Is it safe to leave System Performance Data Collector Set running


I have created a user defined data collector set from the system performance template. I've made no changes to the counters. I can run it manually and it works fine but runs for 1 only minute. Yes, I see the schedule tab…

What I don't understand is how to setup the schedule in a sensible way. I want to monitor performance throughout the whole day. I don't know if I should just let it run the whole time or somehow set it up to sample at regular intervals. If the later is the right way to do it, then I need some guidance on how. The documentation on the limits isn't clear and the few things I've tried haven't worked as expected.

Best Answer

In my experience running data collector sets is safe, the main thing to keep an eye on is how much data you are generating. It really just depends on what you are looking for, but there are three ways to control how much data is collected:

  1. The Number of counters you monitor
  2. How long you let the collector run for
  3. The "Sample Interval" the properties for the data collector (i.e. if you collect every 30 seconds, that is only 2 observations per minute.)

If you need a high resolution view of performance, you would be better off scheduling it every so often with a high sample interval. If you only need an aggregate overview of the day, you might want to go with something like one sample every few minutes. You can also set the maximum size of the data collected, but I would view that more as a safety net.

They can also be sent to SQL if you want to take off some of the data writing load. I believe choosing something like the binary format would take less space than something like csv.