Windows – Large number of failed RDP login attempts


I've seen this same question discussed for unix style servers- such as here Is it normal to get hundreds of break-in attempts per day?

But I would like to know if there is a similar recommendation for windows based servers. My server has RDP open to the net, and at times I've been hit with so many login requests it actually DOS'ed the machine. I've changed my port number and this helped for a while, but now I see they're back to hitting on the "new" port as well. I'm also seeing that these login attempts come from many source ip's, so it is distributed.

Is there a service or app that can see all the failed logins and temporarily ban the ip's? Like a fail2ban for win?

Best Answer

I'd really recommend you to migrate away from direct RDP from internet if it is feasible. If not, make sure you are patched for the RDP remote code vulnerability discovered recently. The exploit code is the part of metasploit now and is also available in the wild.

Changing port doesn't help much because tools like nmap can trivially find it. You can change the port, but you can't change the fingerprint.