Windows Session – How to Leave Windows Session Logged On


Is a bad idea for any reason to leave accounts logged onto Windows remote desktop sessions? So instead of logging off, just closing the session so it locks.

In this case, the limited number of remote desktop connections is not an issue. I am just wondering if anyone has seen sessions leak memory over time or maybe security issues with doing this, etc… I could see if programs were left open they might suck up and or leak memory, but has anyone seen this with Microsoft software such as Control Panels, Management Consoles, and Exchange System Administrator?

Best Answer

We have the situation where it's preferred that we log sessions off instead of just disconnecting. I'm currently in an app group and we own our servers above the OS level (that is, we install / admin / patch app level things such as SQL Server), however IT owns the os and hardware responsibilities. They prefer (as did I when I was in the IT group) that we log out instead of disconnecting so they don't have to get into the business of figuring out if we have something running interactively in the event they need to bounce a server.

Other than that, I've never run into a situation where keeping things connected was an issue. I pretty much leave my sessions logged in on my home machines all the time. Sometimes it's required if you're gathering metrics or something where an interactive interface is required.