Windows – Limit services hosted by one svchost.exe under Windows XP


Is there a registry setting or something to limit the number of individual services that are run within a single svchost.exe process?

I'm aware of the WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS flag and the sc application's ability to make individual services run in their own process, but I don't want the overhead of a process for each of the dozens of services. Ideally I would like to see the 30 services from Automatic Updates through Workstation that are currently hosted by a single process be shared among three to five processes.

Best Answer

You can control which services get bundled together into a single svchost process by modifying the Registry entries at HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/SvcHost. You'll be modifying the values, each of which contains a list of the services that run within it (e.g. netsvcs).

There's a bit more information about this out there, much of it related to the Conficker worm and cleaning up after it. This is based on research related to a situation where I had to manually clean out traces of some malware services.

Update with additional resources/information: There's not a lot of information out there and I haven't experimented with this yet, but the most useful information I found earlier while researching was: