Windows Mapped Drives: GPO vs. login script


I'm running Windows 2003 R2 for DC's. The question has come up concerning mapping user's network shares via GPO rather than the tradition login scripts. I've read about updating Windows 2003 server with the 2008 Client Side Extensions so that the Group Policy Preferences (GPP) can be seen and used.
My questions are:

  1. Does the CSE update get applied to the Win 2K3 DC's
  2. If number one is "No", how do I see and edit the GPP to map the drives?
  3. Does the CSE update get applied to the XP client machines as well?
  4. If number three is "Yes", will this work for thin-clients?

In the next couple of months, we'll be installing some 2012 servers into the domain.

Any other advice is most welcome.

Best Answer

Does the CSE update get applied to the Win 2K3 DC's

You don't have to install the KB on the DCs. 2k3 domain controllers are capable of pushing GPOs that have 'group policy preferences' in them.

If number one is "No", how do I see and edit the GPP to map the drives?

You have to have RSAT on a Vista, Server 2008, or better machine. Server 2003 domain controllers will push the GPOs just fine, however, you cannot see them on 2003-era MMC snapins. If you want to play with the new toys, you have to get off of 10 year-old operating systems.

Group Policy Preferences not showing up in Win2k3

Does the CSE update get applied to the XP client machines as well?

You need to ensure that all XP and 2003 clients have the update installed.

If number three is "Yes", will this work for thin-clients?

Yes, you can use group policies on thin clients.

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