Windows – Maximum connections in remote desktop for Windows Server 2008 R2


I am trying to set up my server so that more than 2 people can use it at once. I am looking at the RDP-Tcp Properties window in Remote desktop session host configuration, and it won't get higher than a 2.

I have read that I need some sort of licensing, but then it looks like it also include a lot more reconfiguration and turning the server into something else. But I just want to increase the maximum connections to beyond 2, like 5 or 6.

What are my options?

Best Answer

Windows Server allows for two concurrent Remote Desktop connections for administration. If you require more than this, you need to license Remote Desktop Services (formerly Terminal Services). There is no way around this.

There are plenty of considerations that you take when using this, because you are essentially turning a single-user system into a multi-user one. There's no magic "do-this-automatically" button.