Windows – Measuring remote desktop latency when typing

remote desktopwindows

I'm trying to measure the lag/latency of a remote desktop connection on the client, specifically when typing, but I don't know how to do this.

For instance, I remote from my Windows 7 workstation into a Windows Server 2008 machine, open Notepad, and start typing. Is there a way to measure the delay in milliseconds between when I physically type on my keyboard and the result appears on the screen?

Note: I'm not trying to solve the latency issue. I want to measure it and prove there is a problem at all. (Running into a "it works for me" situation.)

My specific scenario is also using a Remote Desktop through Citrix, but I'm hoping there is a more general solution for Remote Desktop.

Best Answer

iperf can measure latency, jitter, and thoughput and there are server/clients for windows and linux and you can test bi-directionally.