Windows – MS Windows issue – “Filename or extension is too long”


I run Microsoft windows on a few of my machines. I don't know if many people know about this issue in the OS but you can't have very long filenames, from what I know Linux can have longer names, I have never run into this issue on my Linux machines.

Anyway I run into issues whenever copying folders & files to backup drives. I manually backup of my data, finding and changing names of files, this is very very tedious.

Is there a software tool to shorten folders or filenames that are found to be to long on Windows?

I have drive image duplication software which does the job but in a way that I don't like, plus moving files can become a hassle at times if the names are too long to copy.

Best Answer

Often you can zip the files into an archive to get around the length limitation when moving deep / long name file structures from one machine to another.