Windows – Multihomed windows server 2012 r2 connectivity fails


I have a Windows Server 2012 r2 with 2 NICs. 1 local( and 1 "public"(conected to another local network, interfaces. I have configured DNS, DHCP ONLY on the local interface, and NAT in the public. I have a pc connected to the local network and it gets a correct ip( and can make ping to the server local interface, but I cannot reach the interface from my pc. I know there are several variables but Ive searched so much sites and didn't found any solution.

More info:

  • Both firewalls are disabled(just to remove some variables)

  • I can reach internet from my interface, but It doesn't mather because I cannot even reach the ip from my pc.

  • Just 1 default gateway configured in each host(that's not the problem), client default gateway:, server default gateway:

  • All the scenary is running on Hyper-V.

  • The pc is running a windows 8 enterprise.

EDIT >>>>

  • My DNS service resolves internet names to the client, so it is working.

Also Ive followed that guides:

Keep in mind this laboratory is just for testing. I'll be adding more info by demand, I don't know what else data to add. Thanks in advance.

SOLVED(thanks to @joeqwerty)

I was using an invalid local ip range( That range is included in the range used by the APIPA protocol( through as described here: So it means that my was recieving the pings from the client( , but not replying because of that issue.


Here is the rfc that says that 169.254/16 range is not routable:

Just changed my local range to and everything is working ok.

Best Answer

  1. If you want the server to act as a router then you'll need to add the RRAS role to the server.

  2. APIPA doesn't configure a default gateway so it isn't a "routable" address range. It's meant for communication confined to a single network.

  3. You should be assigning a "real" ip address configuration to the clients, including the default gateway and DNS servers.