Windows – Multiple User login method when remoted into a Window 2008 R2 Server

file-sharingghostremote desktopwindowswindows-server-2008-r2

I have configured a Windows 2008 R2 Server for many users to connect to – but right now I have them all logging in with one account which is bound to our domain. The purpose of this server is for imaging other computers with a Ghostcast session. A user would login with the generic administrator account, create the session, then terminate the remote session. Seeing as that user terminated the remote session – not logged out – the ghostcasting would continue. If I had independent logins for every user connecting to my server, the server will log out the 3rd last user who logged in.

(Example: I log in with my individual admin account, create a ghostcast session and terminate the remote session. User2 logs in with their individual account, creates a ghostcast session and terminates the remote session. Once User3 logs in with their individual admin account, I get logged out completely and my ghostcast session is terminated.) (OR if three users happen to remote into the server at the same time with the same generic account, one user will be denied /logged out)

My question is, How can I have the ability for multiple user logins without logging the 3rd person out or is there a setting in the server I have missed?

I understand – depending on how many users there are – this will use up a considerable amount of server memory keeping many users logged in at the same time.

It would be better if I could have the ability for multiple users to remote in at the same time, rather than using a generic account so I can micromanage folder permissions.

Best Answer

You will need to enable and license Terminal Services. Two can log on at the same time with different accounts without licencing. So you could have many users but only two can be logged on at the same time. If you license, you can have many. Just be sure the server can manage multiple sessions (RAM, CPU, DISK I/O will all be impacted)