Windows – Need to exclude a specific result from a Batch For Loop


I have a script that recursively loads files from a specific directory (and subdirectories) into a java classpath using a FOR loop. It looks like this:

FOR /r directory %%F IN (*.jar) DO call :addcp %%F

Unfortunately, I need to now exclude a specific subdirectory from the results (I don't want some of the jar files loaded). I have tried nesting an IF statement inside of the FOR loop, but have not had any success.

Changing scripting languages is unfortunately not an option, and iterating out every subdirectory would be a maintenance nightmare. Does anyone have a way to do this?

I tried something like:

FOR /r directory %%F IN (*.jar) DO IF %%F==*string* DO call :addcp %%F

but it didn't work.

Best Answer

Here's a script to dump a list of the absolute paths of all EXE files under "%ProgramFiles%" except those that are in the "Windows NT" subdirectory. I would think you could probably beat this into submission for what you're looking for.

@echo off

for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`dir "%ProgramFiles%\*.exe" /s /a /b`) do call :checkit "%%i" 
goto end

echo %1 | find /i "%ProgramFiles%\Windows NT\" >NUL 2>NUL
if errorlevel 1 echo %~1
