Windows Server 2019 – Fix NetSetupSvc Service Starts and Stops Every Hour


On a VM running Windows Server 2019 Standard, I see every hour the Network Setup Service (NetSetupSvc) starts and stops

Log Name:      System
Source:        Service Control Manager
Date:          3/2/2020 8:42:34 AM
Event ID:      7036
Task Category: None
Level:         Information
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      x.y.z.local
The Network Setup Service service entered the running state.

Log Name:      System
Source:        Service Control Manager
Date:          3/2/2020 8:43:03 AM
Event ID:      7036
Task Category: None
Level:         Information
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      x.y.z.local
The Network Setup Service service entered the stopped state.

The service is set to Manual (triggered) start up and is normally off.

I thought this service starts when network drivers are being installed or network configuration changes. Is this normal for it to be restarting every hour? How do I figure out why this service is starting?

On a similarly configured server we did see some network errors that correlated with this service starting. I'm trying to figure out how to troubleshoot this.

Best Answer

The NetSetupSvc service's default startup type is "manual". That means it is 'triggered' to be started whenever an application needs it.

The Network Setup Service does a few things that are not needed continuously. Like the installation of network drivers, configuration of low-level network settings and/or updates. If this service is stopped, network driver installations that are in-progress are cancelled - and the other way round, a network driver update triggers it to be started.

It is pretty usual to see it starting and stopping somewhat often, depenting on what software is installed on your machine.