Windows – Not redirecting all traffic through OpenVPN

openvpnvpnwindowswindows 10

I'm using OpenVPN Connect on Windows 10 to access my company's network. I have no control whatsoever on the OpenVPN server.

It appears that right now, all traffic goes through the VPN connection when I'm connected. I'd like some of the traffic (i.e. to public access resources) to not go through the VPN.

Is this possible at all with OpenVPN on Windows?

If so, is that something that needs to be adjusted in Windows itself or in the OpenVPN client?

Best Answer

Your server config will probably have something along the lines of this:

push "route"
push "redirect-gateway"
push "route"

When connected to your OpenVPN server, you can check your routes via command line and route print.

So, you got some options, as you are an admin on your device.

  1. Use route-nopull:

When used with --client or --pull, accept options pushed by server EXCEPT for routes.

When used on the client, this option effectively bars the server from adding routes to the client's routing table, however note that this option still allows the server to set the TCP/IP properties of the client's TUN/TAP interface.

  1. Use route-noexec:

Don't add or remove routes automatically. Instead pass routes to --route-up script using environmental variables

  1. Change the routes manually each time you connect (or make them persistent, depends on your usage):

route CHANGE MASK <your preferred gateway> METRIC n1 IF n2

route ADD x.x.x.x MASK y.y.y.y z.z.z.z

where x.x.x.x is your company-subnet, y.y.y.y the netmask and z.z.z.z is your VPN-gatewayserver. n1/2 depend on your configuration, if you even need them.

  1. Ask your network/VPN admin to change your config (or everyone's config) to not route everything through the VPN. This is my favorite, because you dont' have to meddle with client configs etc.

These points are not everything you can do, but it should be enough.

Detailed reading can be done in the official documentation.

This is an example, of course. So you have to adapt to your configuration.