Windows NT cannot browse Windows Server 2008


Windows NT 4.0 cannot browse Windows server 2008 R2, but i can ping it. But on Win Server 2003 can browse fine (ask for username and password).

Sofar i tried:

Windows NT 4.0 has SP6a, ie6, DSClient and i set NTML2 (LMCompatibilityLevel) on 3

Windows Server 2008:
gpedit.msc : -Network security:LAN Manager authentication level properties (set on  Send NTML v2 response only. Refuse LM&NTLM)
             -Microsoft network server:Digital sign communications (always)  (set on  disabled)
             -Computer Conf -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Net Logon -> Allow cryptography algorithms compatible with win NT 4.0  (set on enabled)

Active directory Users and Computers  -> Builtin -> Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access (i add Win NT user and tried also with domain user and it doesn't work)

The error i get is: The network path was not found.

Any idea what it might be?

Best Answer

Can I propose an alternative solution?

If your NT4.0 boxen are controlling CNC hardware, I'm going to assume that all you need to do is be able to copy the command files (or whatever).

How about putting IIS on the Windows 2k8 server, then you'd be able to use Internet Explorer (or similar) to browse the file listing, and download stuff from it.

You could even use HTTP authentication backed by the Active Directory to get the user authentication bit.

You've probably got little to no chance of getting a proper file share working, as the protocols have changed so much, probably beyond compatibility, but HTTP 1.1 should still be a possible mechanism.

That said, if you wanted bi-directional file transfers, FTP is still a possibility..