Windows – ny way to add an HTTP Header to every IE request on a computer

batch-filepowershellwindowswindows 7windows-registry

I would like to add a custom HTTP Header to every Internet Explorer request on a computer (or every browser request). I don't know if this is possible whatsoever, if you have heard of anyway to accomplish such a task, could you please point me in a general direction?

I've thought about opening IE with a PowerShell wrapper, or editing the registry but can't find out if headers can be modified that way. I'm open to whatever options may be available but I'm coming up short in a way to achieve this. Thank you!

I apologize if this is the wrong place for this question and I appreciate any guidance or ideas.

Best Answer

i don't think that this is possible without additional software.

in general you may use squid proxy for this purpose. but be aware that modification of http headers on a proxy is violating the http standard.