Windows – openvpn stops working a short period after connecting


I manage simple workgroup at work that uses openvpn gui for connecting to remote computers.

Accidently I discovered a very strange bug — the openvpn connection works initially, and pings work, but after 30 seconds, pings and any other access stop working, without any discernable reason.

Openvpn client shows as still connected (no new logs, the icon is green), the openvpn server shows that the connection is still established (but cant ping the client either), windows logs doesn't show any clue. And from home i still connect through the VPN without problem.

I need clue for where to look on, any other logs or tests?


womble suggested to check route table, simple script shows that there is no change in route table :(, thank you anyway womble.

Best Answer

Oh number one cause of this in our company is the same OpenVPN key being used simultaneously in two different places. The same IP gets allocated by the server to both clients, causing a dropout after a minute or two.