Windows – Performance problems with Credant desktop encryption, is uninstall an option


I'm having a performance problem with Credant when accessing a lot of files, such as during a code compile. What happens is that on my dual-core box the combined CPU hits 50% and the "system" part (the red part of the performance graph in taskman.exe) is the bulk of that. According to SysInternals' Process Explorer the driver CMGSCHEF.SYS is taking all the CPU.

As far as I can tell, only the mobile policy rules are installed, my whole hard drive isn't encrypted.

(For those lucky enough to not have to use Credant, it's a half-baked whole-disk encryption and policy management package that has a lot of issues, performance impact being one.)

Any ideas for this? Thanks! -ed

Best Answer

The Credant software can be uninstalled by administrators, but not generally by end users short of the previous wipe/reinstall suggestion. Note well that the software has an audit system that allows administrators to be aware if the software does not check in within their configured monitoring period. So if you did uninstall, you can expect them to be aware that you've done so.

If performance is a concern, you could reach out to your administrator to ask whether they can tune your policy for a development environment rather than the typical business user's arrangement if they haven't already done so. If you need to track down the administrator to contact, you could email the support group at Credant and ask them to point you in the right direction.