Windows – Ping returns different results if asked ip address or hostname


Alright, I've got an irritating problem. When I ping one of the servers in my company with


I get my box ldmmit1 as the result. But when I use this line

ping ldmmit1

I get back ip address with a name of 1st6cf1 as the return. Those are the correct hostnames for those boxes, but I can't understand why the dns server would route requests for ldmmit1 to 1st6cf1. I've done a traceroute, and the requests are handled by the same dns server.

I didn't set it up, so I don't know what or if the problem is located there, though the network guy couldn't see anything on his cursory check. At this point I'm not sure where the problem is, so any pointers would be appreciated.

Best Answer

You'll want to check A records and reverse lookup records.

As mentioned, your server has an A record for ldmmit1 pointing to Or, possibly a pointer record to 1st6cf1 . You've probably also got a reverse lookup record for pointing to 1st6cf1.

You can use nslookup to help sort this out. Try these commands:
nslookup 1st6cf1
nslookup ldmmit1
Check for any alias entries in these two results. Also, check the reverse records for those IPs:

>set type=PTR

See how the reverse addresses turn out. You may have things pointing in the wrong places.