Windows – Power shell script to fetch disk space on all servers in timely intervals


I got a Powershell script from here which will export Disk Space usage to html file.
I want the scritp to give usage in timely intervals say each 15 mins or 30 mins.
is there any way we can mod this script to the same…..

I know this can be achieved via scehduling a task re-running script 15 every mins
and refreshing html page will give desired result although is there any other way of it….

Thanks in Advance….


$freeSpaceFileName = "c:\script\FreeSpace.htm"
$serverlist = "C:\slist.txt"
$warning = 30
$critical = 10
New-Item -ItemType file $freeSpaceFileName -Force
# Getting the freespace info using WMI
#Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk  | Where-Object {$_.drivetype -eq 3} | format-table DeviceID, VolumeName,status,Size,FreeSpace 

| Out-File FreeSpace.txt
# Function to write the HTML Header to the file
Function writeHtmlHeader
$date = ( get-date ).ToString('dd/mm/yyyy')
Add-Content $fileName "<html>"
Add-Content $fileName "<head>"
Add-Content $fileName "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>"
Add-Content $fileName '<title>All Servers DiskSpace Report</title>'
add-content $fileName '<STYLE TYPE="text/css">'
add-content $fileName  "<!--"
add-content $fileName  "td {"
add-content $fileName  "font-family: Tahoma;"
add-content $fileName  "font-size: 11px;"
add-content $fileName  "border-top: 1px solid #999999;"
add-content $fileName  "border-right: 1px solid #999999;"
add-content $fileName  "border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;"
add-content $fileName  "border-left: 1px solid #999999;"
add-content $fileName  "padding-top: 0px;"
add-content $fileName  "padding-right: 0px;"
add-content $fileName  "padding-bottom: 0px;"
add-content $fileName  "padding-left: 0px;"
add-content $fileName  "}"
add-content $fileName  "body {"
add-content $fileName  "margin-left: 5px;"
add-content $fileName  "margin-top: 5px;"
add-content $fileName  "margin-right: 0px;"
add-content $fileName  "margin-bottom: 10px;"
add-content $fileName  ""
add-content $fileName  "table {"
add-content $fileName  "border: thin solid #000000;"
add-content $fileName  "}"
add-content $fileName  "-->"
add-content $fileName  "</style>"
Add-Content $fileName "</head>"
Add-Content $fileName "<body>"
add-content $fileName  "<table width='100%'>"
add-content $fileName  "<tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>"
add-content $fileName  "<td colspan='7' height='25' align='center'>"
add-content $fileName  "<font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='4'><strong>All Servers DiskSpace Report - 

add-content $fileName  "</td>"
add-content $fileName  "</tr>"
add-content $fileName  "</table>"

# Function to write the HTML Header to the file
Function writeTableHeader

Add-Content $fileName "<tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC>"
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%' align='center'>Drive</td>"
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='50%' align='center'>Drive Label</td>"
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%' align='center'>Total Capacity(GB)</td>"
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%' align='center'>Used Capacity(GB)</td>"
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%' align='center'>Free Space(GB)</td>"
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%' align='center'>Freespace %</td>"
Add-Content $fileName "</tr>"

Function writeHtmlFooter

Add-Content $fileName "</body>"
Add-Content $fileName "</html>"

Function writeDiskInfo
$usedSpace = $totSpace - $frspace
$freePercent = ($frspace/$totSpace)*100
$freePercent = [Math]::Round($freePercent,0)
 if ($freePercent -gt $warning)
 Add-Content $fileName "<tr>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$devid</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$volName</td>"

 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$totSpace</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$usedSpace</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$frSpace</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$freePercent</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "</tr>"
 elseif ($freePercent -le $critical)
 Add-Content $fileName "<tr>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$devid</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$volName</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$totSpace</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$usedSpace</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$frSpace</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td bgcolor='#FF0000' align=center>$freePercent</td>"
 #<td bgcolor='#FF0000' align=center>
 Add-Content $fileName "</tr>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<tr>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$devid</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$volName</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$totSpace</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$usedSpace</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td>$frSpace</td>"
 Add-Content $fileName "<td bgcolor='#FBB917' align=center>$freePercent</td>"
 # #FBB917
 Add-Content $fileName "</tr>"
Function sendEmail
{ param($from,$to,$subject,$smtphost,$htmlFileName)
$from=New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailAddress ""
$to= New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailAddress ""
$subject="Servers Disk space report - $Date" 
$body = Get-Content $htmlFileName
$smtp= New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $smtphost
$msg = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $from, $to, $subject, $body
$msg.isBodyhtml = $true


writeHtmlHeader $freeSpaceFileName
foreach ($server in Get-Content $serverlist)
 Add-Content $freeSpaceFileName "<table width='100%'><tbody>"
 Add-Content $freeSpaceFileName "<tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>"
 Add-Content $freeSpaceFileName "<td width='100%' align='center' colSpan=6><font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='2'><strong> 

$server </strong></font></td>"
 Add-Content $freeSpaceFileName "</tr>"

 writeTableHeader $freeSpaceFileName

 $dp = Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk -ComputerName $server |  Where-Object {$_.drivetype -eq 3}
 foreach ($item in $dp)
 Write-Host  $item.DeviceID  $item.VolumeName $item.FreeSpace $item.Size
 writeDiskInfo $freeSpaceFileName $item.DeviceID $item.VolumeName $item.FreeSpace $item.Size

writeHtmlFooter $freeSpaceFileName
$date = ( get-date ).ToString('yyyy/MM/dd')
sendEmail "Disk Space Report - $Date" hub1 $freeSpaceFileName

Best Answer

The only thing I don't like about that script is the constant lines of Add-Content, they are not needed. I would have just generated all that HTML like so:

$htmlHeader = @"
td {
font-family: Tahoma;
font-size: 11px;
border-top: 1px solid #999999;
border-right: 1px solid #999999;
border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;
border-left: 1px solid #999999;
padding-top: 0px;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
padding-left: 0px;
body {
margin-left: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
add-content $fileName  
table {
border: thin solid #000000;

Then once I want to add content for the body of the HTML you could use variable $htmlBody and then at the end you combine it all together with $htmlHeader + $htmlBody.

To get your HTML page to refresh you can add a meta-tag in the HTML side that should do the trick for you. This would refresh the page every 30 seconds: meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30" NOTE: SF did not like the tags around this text so it does require the < and /> around it.