Windows – powershell: add user to local admin group


i am trying to create user on remote machine by powershell. Once account created i want to add that in local admin group.

Account is getting created but it is not getting added in admin group.
Below is the code which i am using.

  $username = "test_user"
$password = "password"
$computer1 = hostname
  $users = $null
   $computer = [ADSI]“WinNT://$computer1”
   Try {
      $users = $computer.psbase.children | select -expand name  
      if ($users -like $username) {
         Write-Host "$username already exists"
      } Else {
         $user_obj = $computer.Create(“user”, “$username”)

         $user_obj.Put(“description”, “$username”)
         $user_obj.psbase.invokeset(“AccountDisabled”, “False”)
         $users = $computer.psbase.children | select -expand name
         if ($users -like $username) {
            Write-Host "$username has been created on $($"

      $group = [ADSI]("WinNT://"+$env:COMPUTERNAME+"/administrators,group")

         } Else {

            Write-Host "$username has not been created on $($"
   } Catch {
      Write-Host "Error creating $username on $($computer.path):  $($Error[0].Exception.Message)"

Please advise what am i doing wrong.

Best Answer

Actually the script that was copied and pasted does not work at all.

It has invalid double quotes: and

It references the local computer in three different ways:


There are several occurrences where text is not quoted properly and separated/concatenated with variables.

This works:

$username = "test_user"
$password = "zlug7nPn5$"
$computername = "ComputerName"
$users = $null
$computer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computername"
Try {
   $users = $computer.psbase.children | select -expand name
   if ($users -like $username) {
      Write-Host "$username already exists"
   } Else {
      $user_obj = $computer.Create("user", "$username")

      $user_obj.Put("description", "$username")
      $user_obj.psbase.invokeset("AccountDisabled", "False")
      $users = $computer.psbase.children | select -expand name
      if ($users -like $username) {
         Write-Host "$username has been created on $($"

      $group = [ADSI]("WinNT://"+$computername+"/administrators,group")
      } Else {
         Write-Host "$username has not been created on $($"
} Catch {
   Write-Host "Error creating $username on $($computer.path):  $($Error[0].Exception.Message)"