Windows – PowerShell Delete Directory Based off Date in Name of Folder


I recently put together a PowerShell script that creates directories named by date in the following format "yyyyMMddHHmm"

What I have been trying to do is figure out how I can go back through and have the script (or just make a new one) automatically delete any directories that are more than three days old. I would like to be able to pull the name of the folder (as in read the date in the format above) and have that be the determining factor but I am unsure as to where I would even start with this one. I guess knowing what the steps are so that I could break it down would be helpful.

Anyone ever try something like this before with PowerShell?

Best Answer

How about...

# Find today's date and calculate 3 days ago:
$today = get-date -DisplayHint date
$threeDaysAgo = $today.AddDays(-3)

# Get the folder list
$folders = (gci "c:\somwhere\" | where-object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True})

foreach ($f in $folders) {

    # Parse the date from the folder name text and turn into a date object
    $folderdate = get-date -year $f.Name.substring(0,4) -month $f.Name.substring(4,2) -day $f.Name.substring(6,2)

    # compare and do stuff
    if ($folderdate -lt $threeDaysAgo) { 
        write-host $f.Name
        # do delete here if needed

You will need to adjust to taste, and work out if you need directory removal, or content deletion, or more, but that should do for the date part, anyway.