Windows Process Activation Service – Fixing Error 2 When Starting


IIS stopped working on my machine after recent update of Win 10. From what I see this is because WAS service fails to start with error 2. I believe it's the same issue as described here. I've tried many things from answers to this question, and reinstalled all features and IIS multiple times, but nothing worked. Anyone knows what else I could try?

Best Answer

To any lost soul who came here for a solution. I spent many hours on this and this is what finally worked for me:

  1. Remove machine key files as described here.
  2. Reinstall all features as described here.
  3. WAS still didn't want to start. I copied applicationHost.config to applicationHost.config.tmp and tried start the service again. This finally worked.

Can't wait for next Windows update to break my dev environment again! So much fun!

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