Windows – PsExec – what if the .exe you run remotely requires user interaction


I use PsExec to deploy small .exe files to my workstations. Sometimes the .exe, for some reason, is incompatible with the system and opens a popup window with an error or some other message.

Is there any way to know when the executable is 'stuck' there requiring user interaction? On my side I just have psexec running and waiting for the .exe to return (which will never return because the popup is stuck there).

Since I run PsExec programmatically and I automate all the executions, when this Popup thing happens I find myself with hundreds of psexec processes stuck there and have no result back from them..

What's the best way to handle this sort of issue?


Best Answer

As a last resort try using one of the other automation tools in addition to PsExec to deal with the popups. Like AutoIt.

I would guess that this will have to be the way forward for you since there is no standard that each software must adhere to.