Windows – Publish jpg file as a ScreenSaver via GPO


Is it possible to publish jpg file as ScreenSaver via GPO?

My Company wants to pulish it's Logo as ScreenSaver ( the logo is in jpg format )

Best Answer

There's a good article that explains this perfectly, using the "Photos" screensaver - three things are involved:

  1. Copy the image to a special folder using a logon script (or group policy preferences, as tegbains pointed out)
  2. Set the Photos screen saver via GPO
  3. Set the photos path via registry/GPO

The logon script is fairly trivial, copying from a network share to somewhere on the local hard drive.

The group policy settings for screensavers are found under

Policy > User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization

where you can set which screensaver you want (in this case, the Photos screensaver).

Then you need to set the photo path, and export the registry key

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Photo Viewer\Slideshow\Screensaver

for use in your group policy.