PuTTY – Where Are PuTTY Host Names Stored


On a server we have a script running some PuTTY PSCP:

pscp -v -sftp target-host:/some-path/* some-local-path

target-host is neither an IP nor and hostname like some.server.com but a single word, like an alias.

I've looked into the Windows hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ but there is no alias defined.

I've checked into the Windows registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham but there is no session defined.
I've even run a full search for the name in the registry.

I've also looked for the name in all the files of the directory just in case there was some local configuration file.

But I was not able to find it.

Any idea where it could be defined?

Best Answer

All PuTTY settings are stored in the registry in the case of windows, more exactly in: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham].

Host names, in your situation, can appear like that due to DNS server (or whatever is handling your DNS naming) bad configuration. some of the anomalies can be host-names that appear for various IP addresses even if they do not use that address anymore or that appear to have multiple IP addresses.

Just the same, a DNS server can have aliases pointing to host-names.