Windows – Python/MySQL on Windows. Problems with openssl


I have a MySQL Server set up to use SSL and I also have the CA Certificate.

When I connect to the server using MySQL Workbench, I do not need the certificate. I can also connect to the server using Python and MySQLdb on a Mac without the CA-certificate.

But when I try to connect using the exact same setup of Python and MySQLdb on a windows machine, I get access denied. It appears that I need the CA. And when I enter the CA, I get the following error

_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (2026, 'SSL connection error')

My code to open the connection is below:

db = MySQLdb.connect(host="",    
                 ssl={'ca': '/path/to/ca/cert'})  

Could anyone point out what the problem is on a windows? I believe it has to do with OpenSSL and Python. I installed OpenSSL from here. But I don't think Python is using this version that I installed, since when I print the version using Python, it's not the same.

This is what Python prints. It is still not a very old version and should have worked when connecting to MySQL

OpenSSL 1.0.2j 26 Sep 2016

I am really not used to having to work with OpenSSL and its issues. I've literally tried all the solutions found on google by searching the error I get, and you would think one of them should work. But none did and hence I'm guessing the problem is with the OpenSSL and Python on my system. Anyone know how I should try to at least identify the exact problem?

I also do not understand how I can connect to the MySQL Server without the CA Certificate using a Mac/Python or MySQL Workbench, but I get an access denied error in Windows using Python :/


Python version 2.7.13

MySQL Server Enterprise version 5.7.18

Best Answer

I believe that you have to set not only ssl "ca" but "cert" and "key" as well:

db = MySQLdb.connect(host="",    
                 ssl={'ca': '/path/to/ca/cert',
                      'key': '/path/to/key',
                      'cert': '/path/to/cert'})