Windows – Recover thesql database innodb ‘table doesn’t exist’


Our server crashed last week and we lost a lot of information. We were able to recover .frm files for the tables, ib_logfile0, ib_logfile1 and ibdata1 but no .ibd.

I've tried the innodb-force-recovery on all levels 1 to 6 and a whole lot of other 'solutions' I've found online, without any success.

Right now I was trying to do it trhough a mysqldump and restore of the database but run into the same problem Mathew over here.

this answer looks like it might work. My problem is, first – my server is Windows based, second – I lack the knowledge and skills to apply this on windows command line.

By any chance is there a similar solution for Windows


we were not using innodb_file_per_table so all data should be stored on ibdata1

Best Answer

This MySQL forum post looks like a success story, although a bit old. I remember a similar story of mine, on Linux. Windows platform doesn't matter here, MySQL data files structure is similar. No command line work is really needed. I assume your Ibdata file is not damaged in any way.

AFAIK you don't need ib_logfile? files at all, the forum post confirms that. The key operations here are:

  1. a new installation of MySQL (use the same version);
  2. manual recreation of identically-named databases, can be done from the latest backup dump if you have one;
  3. disabling innodb_file_per_table in my.cnf, it's best to restore the old config;
  4. replacing Ibdata in new installation with the recovered one.

After you start MySQL you should be able to browse and dump your data from InnoDB tables.