Windows – Recursively obtain a list of all permissions on Windows file shares


I have been assigned a task as the new guy on the IT team at where I work to list and document all the assigned permissions for every single directory in the entire directory tree of the file shares on the server that runs the shares for the company.

I do know it's running Windows Server, but I don't remember the specific version offhand. I also know that the user groups to control access are in Active Directory, but I haven't been given access to the AD server for this.

Is there some easier way to get the assigned permissions for every single directory in the directory tree of the shares recursively, without me going into every single folder by hand to identify the permissions?

Best Answer

Write a script. :)

Googling turned up a Get Share Permissions PowerShell module download. It's free and looks like it does what you're looking for.

You might also be interested in this: AccessEnum from SysInternals.