Windows – Remote Administration of Server Core WS2008R2 via MMC on Win7


I have searched and found a couple threads that deal with this topic, but they never quite got to solution. They just seemed to peter out.

I have executed the much recommended:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=“remote administration” new enable=yes

but I still get "Access is denied".

None of the proposed solutions get beyond this step, though no one that initiated these threads said "that did it!"

Steps that I've taken:

1.Install DNS role on ws2008 r2 server core on server box.
2.Install RSAT for Win7 on the Win7 box.
3.Assigned static IP to the server.
4.Install the Windows Feature for DNS snap-in for MMC.
5.Attempt to target it to the server box.
At this point I get the "Access is denied" error and…well…(flops on the floor)

Sure would appreciate sufficient next steps to admin the box remotely.

Thanks, Greg

Best Answer

You can get Hyper-V management console to work from domain client to a non-domain hyper-v host, I've done it several times and this guide with HVRemote from the very same John Howard actually gives you all the variants. remember to launch the management tool "as another user.." and enter a valid administrative user that exists locally on the server (and/or use the HVRemote guide to set it up properly).