Windows Remote Desktop protocol error

remote desktopwindows

So, related to this question, I am now also trying to integrate Windows Remote Desktop for certain other boxes that my app's users will have to remote into. I have a known good remote box and can connect through the user interface, but when I try to connect from the command line I get a message: "Because of a protocol error detected at the client (code 0x1104), this session will be disconnected. Please try connecting to the remote computer again."

I looked at the command-line switches, and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do other than specify a config file, which doesn't help as I don't know what setting is making it connect.


Best Answer

Never mind. I was told by the admin that I should use a different port than the default for RDP connections; turns out that port is used by VNC Server and thus the error (VNC and RDP don't speak the same language). I tried it from the command line without a port and it works fine, also works fine with the default 3389.