Windows – Remote Desktop to localhost on Startup & two active accounts

remote desktopwindows

I have 2 accounts on my machine one is the foreground account (console) that runs media center software.

The other account runs other programs I use in a remote desktop session.

I have enabled group policy to force 1 account per RDP session to stop applications starting multiple times.

But I cannot create a startup task to login the 2nd user when the 1st account autologin takes place on boot.

Is there a way to create a user session without RDP?

Everytime I try to RDP to the machine locally with or without console flag i get this error "Your computer could not connect to another console session"

Best Answer

I am in the same position as you. I have my media center login which logs in automatically and which starts uTorrent up as well.

Now I am able to login as a remote user using another account, but I am unable to configure/view uTorrent.

The simplest solution is to give the hostname as in mstsc. This will allow you to logon to another RDP session on the same machine.

However, I am stuck trying to run it from a command line. The first login works, but it is unable to save the username/password in a saved session.

Hope this works for you. Please revert if you have any suggestoins on this,