Windows – Remote Desktop to Win 2008: Error in License protocol


I am sitting on a Win XP machine trying to connect to a Windows 2008 Server.

I think the cause of this issue might be due to the fact that I said yes to install a terminal server back when I installed the server as I didn't know it wasn't nessecary for RDP. I don't know if this i9s what is blocking the connection but something is.

The error message (translated from danish):

"The remote computer disconnected the session due to an error in the licensing protocol. Try again or contact serveradministrator."

Now the real issue here is that I can't remote desktop and fix the error.
I have also tried: mstsc -console without any luck.

Any suggestions are welcome 🙂

Best Answer

You can try rebooting the server, but you'll need to check on the license server to see if there are any errors.

If you installed Windows 2008 in Terminal Server mode you'll need to get on the server and remove Terminal Services in order to get the admin RDP working again. You probably don't have any Terminal Service licenses to use.